in the silence
2002-08-28 ~ 3:43 a.m.

i waited...

the ground was wet....the sprinklers had been on.

something was broadcasted...too electronic to be phonetic, though it sounded like morse code.

i will play with it for a while, though without recording mind will distort it.

the stillness didn't last long tonight...just a few short minutes after that.

so then i just sat and thought for a few minutes. that half trance place you can go to if you want...

but i was shielded at the time, seeking information...though not patient enough to really wait on it all.

i had more dreams about the moon tonight. more dreams of having to go in to hiding until resurfacing is safe.

august, september and november...every one will be touched by something. it bounces around in my head.

i found something new to is laying a 'soft covering'. i am working on it now.

i wish that i could find out if these things work or not...test my crazy quotient...but no one ever says anything. not that they are supposed to know where it comes from...and i suppose they probably aren't even aware of anything...but what if i am just spinning my wheels?

i find it drawing me in regardless. is it because i want so badly to help? i am afraid of mistakes...though when there are only reactions and quick calls, where is the information coming from?

i have an odd sort of peace now that i did not have earlier. the haze of dreams too close in my mind. the bad feelings that clung like saran wrap.

i am holding my breath because i know the feeling will pass...but right now i will send most of it elsewhere anyway. it is not i who needs it.

and so i hope weariness finds rest...that you get what you need to make it through...that everyone remembers that the single key to all resides inside.

i am a loon...but i am a hungryqueasy loon.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005