sam adams - light
2002-10-23 ~ 4:07 a.m.

no mouse and snake...just boring old me...

sam adams, does in fact, make a tasty light beer.

all evening there has been weirdness...trying to creep in around the edges. noise where silence should be...shadows where light would fall...

just enough to make it hazy...but let them cringe in the background because they know i am not doing this again. i won this round already. it is done.

trey just was a nice visit. he is in one in a million, and i will begin taking applications for him as soon as the intensive screening is done. demand must be high for the few such as him. tis true. *remembering the good old days walking the floor over by sbc and gobi*

gods...i am going back there. i have been thinking about it more and more. i found my notebook from tm meetings...we had a fucking 44 % profit margin. we were motherfucking rockstars. shit. dionne told me to go back like i had been on hiatus in france or a villa someplace. what do you think?

speaking of dionne and "the other side of the coin, fair shake thing"...

i got the other side of that story and it is a whittling, knee slapping good time...let me tell you. needless to say, i welcome her back.

so we will be planning a visit...and we are planning a piercing and tattooing fiasco...more holes, more art...all of it...soon. it will all come together in time.

i got a very unexpected surprise tonight by way of a phone message. no ideas yet as to what i might do with it...but these days, you just never know.

in the meantime...i am changing things around here...again.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005