a wednesday night
2002-10-31 ~ 4:04 a.m.

oh yeah..."happy humpday" mouse...cause you did not say it.

comrade and the unabashed friend, now known as "sassy-britches" just left...

tonight was fun, entertaining...*wicked grin*

i did finally beat comrade in pool, that is notable.

ever have one of those nights when you are like..."this isn't doing it for me, let's go sit in my truck" ? yeah, me either...but i was thinking about it. some song lyric or something...

and i am not vain, but we put on a much better show. or at least looked better doing it. puhlease...

so anyway...i am sorry, but i cannot write about the mouse anymore...especially if she is going to end up finding this.

before i knew her, before i gained much due respect for her, before i got to know her a little and like her as a human being...she was a good character. yes, she was. and there may very well be a new character who emerges completely anew.

so what should i do? eh, my mute audience? bastards who won't sign my guestbook...*grin*

should we let the mouse in?

i told comrade tonight, and apparently sassy-britches knows a little of my story, that i am worried some of you newcomers might think i am crazy...well, i am. *smile* more or less.

sassy-britches shocked me by thinking me older than my age tonight. or perhaps i dreamed that? it is all about the life you have led i suppose. *secretly wondering if there is new gray hair*

i ate well...and so far everything seems to be in order, so lay off the weight loss thing. and yes, in my world...alcohol and whataburger is just as good as sex...well, on nights like this anyway. besides...i have electricity. *sticking tongue out*

i know...i know you want a mouse and snake update...i know you do...but what am i to do?

i will say, however, that despite any recent "blow-off's" the mouse and i are both in busines saturday night...

and snake's other girl, the one with the emotions all tied in...she was there. and then there was the "new girl with two colored hair" who we call "h". so yes, there was definitely a story...

but really...why don't we just go and sit in my truck and get stoned watching the moon laying down on the job...

what? did i hear someone say something about hot sexy bartender/singer chick??



riiiight...yeah, so there was a sex goddess bella singing and a hot sexy bartender/singer chick behind the bar dishing out the spirit guided moonshine.

"Yummmmm"...and it is all good...

back to her jovial self, after possibly being pissed about not getting a second call, she was witty and charming...and hot.

and then there was the guaze on the posts...and mouse, what did you say about wearing this? i was just sitting there, stroking it...good gods, yummmmm. stretched out...laid out...laid over...turned over...under.

*reigning it back in*

and then there was hot sexy bartender/singer chick and i was taking notes like a good narrator...

she mentioned the message, she thought it was funny...*nudges comrade...told you so*....hell yeah. she mentioned the alien story...all nice...she dished out my sex changes and i drank them all up and left the nipples to be sucked on by mouse...with the noted "sticking of the tongue in to the wet regions of said shot glass"...

and then she left...*poof*

and snake was gone...*poof*

and amusing text messages were sent...and i really do hope the vibrator was enjoyed....? i am sorry...what is a "proper" response to that? yeah, that is what i thought. *smile*

and then there was pool...and a sassy-britches and myself and the comrade played a little cut-throat.

and then a hot sexy bartender/singer chick shows up and we call her over...and comrade demands the alien story...

yes, demanding wenches. delightful.

and so she takes a seat on the pool table and proceeds to tell the comrade an alien story...don't look at me, ask her.

soon after which i lost severely in the game of pool....ouch. oh yeah, i feel the motherfucking love. then i won again...reputation salvaged.

friday and saturday seem to be shaping up to be interesting days...who knows.

the question of the day is...what the hell is going on today? cause i have no kind of idea...but if i don't go to the bank soon there will be trouble.

damn, that just reminds of all the stuff i have to do...and i want it all done, but i don't want to do it...

hehehe...i will just offer some friends food...try a little bribery.

i need to go reset permissions...later

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005