festive fuck you gathering...
2002-01-02 ~ 2:28 a.m.

*waving to loyal audience...leaving a trail of smoke*

"the holy water rains on me...i haven't felt this clean in ages..."

well, well, well...

what a night...day...errr, morning...


so we had a festive fuck you gathering last night after the bar. we played skipbo...the drinking version.

a liter and a half of butterscotch and well over a dozen beer bottles later...

comrade stumbled in to the still darkened living room sometime around 5...having crashed much earlier.

mouse, margaret and i laying out as drunk and lounged as could be...

there was a good quote about levi's in the magazine...

but ultimately, i think the quote of the night may very well have been...

"go somewhere, just go somewhere..."

and the response...unbelievably fucking funny...

ah, but i will never have that much to drink...they don't brew that much alcohol.

and i am, if nothing else, honorable...indeed.

there was much stumbling...

mouse crashed with her baby puppy...

i got margaret situated on the couch, pillow and quilt...

and then i woke up to the phone, and my mother's voice...and i am still too drunk to talk to her...

but what a beautiful day.

we went to get sonic...we started to watch terms of endearment...margaret jetted.

terri has called, so i shall call her back...and i will also call the trainer, just to be a good girl.

and trey...you should call me. we can giggle like school girls after we replenish my liquor supply...

and tonight...tonight i am going it in overdrive, to make up for all kinds of lost time and fucked signals...*wink*

life is just never as pretty as days like today...

the changes of the seasons obvious, yet masked with sunshine and warmth...

perhaps life is always as pretty as today?

tonight there will be good music...and a nice, old fashioned lesbian bar...hell, it will be like church.

spiritual, indeed.

tonight can i bring my own stick?? *grin*

i am going to smoke some ham and lounge my ass right in to the tub for some soaking...or i am going to clean...whichever one gets done first...

or i might just go back to bed...

at this point, anything could happen.

oh, the anticipation...

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005