today is a new day
2003-01-10 ~ 5:29 a.m.

well, well...

satori and rock music and sipping whiskey...before the sunrise.

i have been on my knees with the toothbrush, cleaning the bathroom.

seven or eight loads of laundry later and i have a mission...

stuff. my god at the stuff.

do you know how much motherfucking stuff i have??

it is scary.

so i am going to get rid of stuff and then clean some more.

it is 5:30...? i hate losing track of time in big chunks. i much prefer the "what time is it?" game.

one really good thing i can say about right now is that i have absolutely no desire to write...anywhere.

you do a good thing in calling my bluff, making me question myself.

i was never intended for a "fragile" stamp.

though we all know just how sensitive i am....yeah, yeah.

today i am hoping the hooded bringers of dreams stay at bay...clean sheets and i do not want to flail.

there are things to do...and i am going to bed.

today is a new day.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005