someone stop me
2003-01-11 ~ 3:35 a.m.

tonight was a good night. i had fun. laughing is glorious in its humanity.

i want to hear about you turning more cartwheels.

and i was pleasantly absent-minded moments ago...

after the doors shut in stereo around me...and i retreated here.

and now i am thinking about sticky heat...

'they refer to it as sultry in these parts.'

trees and kudzu engulfing a little house. lounging in the bedroom. heat so thick the ceiling fan barely turns and rattle-trap window fan can just move the guaze of a curtain.

that is good weather for melting.

though there is a moment in my head where hester sticks her head in and says..."we are from the louisiana part of east texas, not the arkansas part"...

and i did just recall that the best part of halloween was the discovery of the guaze wrapped around the supports at the bar. i am going to be getting me some of that.

which means i have to go to the damn store anyway.

comrade brought me hangers today...because i ran out. no, i do not know how or why i run out of hangers. it just happens. maybe they own a nightclub with all the lost socks?

behind the dryer?

i thought i could get out of that. going shopping when i have no money is a very bad thing for me to do. even if it just for one thing. because that one thing turns in to "where the fuck did that 100 bucks go?" really fast.

OH! i have a picture!! there are few of these in existence...very few.

i am very grateful.

no one is making a weird face or getting flipped off...this picture is a treasure.

you know...i told myself i wasn't going to write this weekend. and i am sitting here typing this entry in amazing restraint...which i might as well be infamous for...and typing all kinds of stuff in to notepad.

i wonder what would happen if i were not quite so restrained? maybe just some copy and paste?, tsk.

not vague...this time. no. restrained.

maybe one of you motherfucker's would sign my guestbook then?

good night*

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005