taking the pain with the blood
2003-01-13 ~ 2:19 a.m.

i am blotting away blood with q-tips...

that is always a nice way to end a night.

godsmack and dmx are all over my playlist...

and i wish i could talk to you.

are you confused by ambiguous references to "you"? refer to the cast page...i confuse myself sometimes.

playing with pictures...avoiding bed and sleep and all things related...

at all cost.

exhaustion set itself haphazardly into the lines of my face hours ago and still i sit.

we are psychically connected....freaky.

voodoo women....house of (k)carla's, the home-wreckers....

it is funny. we both brought home milk and coke today. we have our priorities.

and i have no business here tonight.

edie is singing "good times"...

i am gone.

taking my pain with me.

have a good night*

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005