results of the show(s)
2003-02-14 ~ 7:58 p.m.

wow, i did not realize i never came back here...

i was quite sure i did. oh well. what with the putting the horses up wet and exhausted and having more than enough to drink...

and banging the hell out of my get the idea.

well, first things first...

traditional poems and such.

"hearts, roses, kisses galore

what the hell is all that shit for

people get all mushy and start acting queer

it's definetly the most annoying day of the year

this day needs to get the hell over with and pass

before I shove a dozen roses up cupid's ass

girls act all sweet but soon it will fade

for all they are doing is trying to get laid

so here is my story what else can I say


i'm not sure who wrote it and i'm too lazy to look it up.


trey hates it when i start something and never finish my oft stream-like-unconsciousness-thoughts which i inevitably say aloud.

he also dislikes it when i forget to update about the important things. *grin*

i am pleased to report that gloria ("Guns") and Stef won the The Newylwed Game. it was an outrageous score...

the dentist and mia danced in the cage...

we think one couple might have broken up...

and the fourth couple? haha...bongo girl's best friend (holding a picture of bongo girl in front of her face) with bongo girl's girlfriend...


it was great fun. the hot sexy bartender/singer chick was in red velvet...until it got too hot. and oh my at what was underneath. then there was talk of tube socks in that top and such... *shaking head* there were many shots being thrown back or scattered and sipped on.

the dating game was truly 'off the hook'...fool.

mindy (our very own 8-ball) was the bachelor...

contestant number 1...hsb/sc: "whatever you do...don't say "dallas"...shhhh...don't say "dallas"

contestant number 2...seemed like a really nice girl

contestant number 3...mad cheering.

so....tonight they get to have a chaperoned dinner. yay!

i am going back to the couch...we are bonding.


...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005