i spell numbers
2003-06-11 ~ 3:48 a.m.

did you hear that?


must be nothing...could have sworn i heard something.

ahhh, hello crazy.

that's always a funny one. yeah, i think "hearing voices" is my favorite game we play.

the really scary part?

i am doing good. fucked among the fuckedupedness...true. but even still, i am thinking rationally.

that is kind of frightening.

then again, i am just working my way back around to acceptance. i get that much.

i have been laughing hysterically at my little growing collection of all songs about "happy birthday".

before this over, you will all get one.

i have everything from the bear in the big blue house to janis to the arrogant worms...but my favorite so far is "happy birthday" in portugese.

this is fun.

did i mention that i made my printer work again? that is special.

what i wouldn't do to have a doppler radar for my life.

if only i knew how to understand the doppler radar we have...(ie. better interpret ongoing events as to determine possible future outcomes set in motion in the present)

basically what i mean to say is...if you are in japan, don't sneeze right now.

"you may have lost one, but you ended up with three..." that was emer's contribution to the class today.

i mowed and momentarily thought i would die of heat stroke. i do this every fucking year. like a dumb ass, i go out before it is late enough in the evening to be cool and i mow and work in the yard and try to kill myself at least three* or four** times before i finally get it. currently counting, i still have at least one to go.

(*)(**)i just noticed that i spell out numbers and asked myself why. it is because some teacher managed to land one home while i wasn't looking. using the actual "number" is not appropriate for...blah blah blah. i spell out numbers, yet i am too fucking lazy to hit "shift + i". that is my point. that is fucked up, but consistent.

i was home bound today. which is why i ended up mowing instead of running my errands in the first place.

home bound sucks.

i should already be asleep.

drink plenty of water and use your number keys in defiance.


...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005