solid balls
2003-06-15 ~ 6:30 a.m.

comrade says the air in my house made her hungry. interesting theory. anyone else experienced that? she visits and gets hungry...i live here and get an eating disorder. what the fuck is up with that?

i said "one more smoke before bed" a lung and a half ago...

my mind is pinwheeling with sparklers attached to my ears. i don't want to sleep.

today we mostly watched richie repair plumbing things like the toilets and the sink. then a hole was dug in the yard. pvc came in to play...things got muddy. i had to bail. no...really. i had to bail out the hole. the wires were reconnected. (? ooops)

then we dispersed and recoupled at on the border...then played pool.

andy might have reigned...but jo's team kicks ass!! jo's team roks...solid balls. that is right. and winning via default is just winning by another name. "call it down"...(with no therapist talking about magical thinking like we don't all know that words have power)...go ahead and take care of that eight.

then jo dyed her hair.

the sun is coming up...





...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005