sock monkey
2003-07-04 ~ 3:44 a.m.

are you in the know...

angie is in town. the party is all around.

it is hard to know...

did i tell you about the puzzle of folded two dollar bills? that was a hard one. and she...she is a sweet one.

did you know...

i have a motherfucking sock monkey. haha! comrade sewed it herself. it has really cute ears.

bet you wish you knew...

how lovely the show was. is a dangerous kind of night.

the kind where i have had just enough to drink that i am talkative...but i still make sense.

emer and i just had a lengthy conversation about things...

and i have been thinking about things...

i am vague because you read this. yes, you. who else? haha.

i have other places to go to vent and rant and moan...yep. this little journal is about as social as i get outside of my safe places.

i wonder if somebody somewhere would read that and laugh...or if they would just 'know' that the tire screeching crash waiting to happen loud noise we just heard is going to make me seek out the fetal position.

it was groovy to sit with gloria and steph at the table. there at the 'bar behind the bar' with the trpical theme going and the scantily clad women jumping and running around. just very nice women. gloria and steph. something gloria asked me snagged my runaway mind a moment ago...she asked me how long karen and i had been friends. yeah. 6 years. pink lighters and sock monkeys and ex-girlfriends and moving and drinking and tire slashing and fence building...and the amazing part? we still speak. yep. that is about 6 years in the average life of a lesbian i figure.

i also got pictures of jenn and mindy. hehe. and linda.

hell, i have mindy's portfolio. and i got jenn for mouse. and angie is in town. and it was my birthday.

and there is...well yeah. life is good.

i'm starting to feel like hester...and it is all falling in place...

if it falls apart this time...someone will pay. told emer i couldn't do her job tonight because i would kill someone. don't think i was kidding. i am much more suited to the call center environment.

speaking of...the job search continues. keep your fingers least until the circulation gets cut off for so long that your fingers rot off. yeah, i am really optimistic.

"the glass is half full..."

...still working on that one.

no more. pull the plug.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005