waking up to you
2004-06-08 ~ 2:26 p.m.

oh my...what dreams.

funny. i did jinx myself last night by saying they were gone.

huge spiny caterpillar and goldfish in a bowl.

i swear we were in a house that no longer exists except in my memory.

then in a school. i have been there...once.

i rang the emergency bell to make everyone leave. it was the last day.

the very last day of it all.

emer came over for the celebration. (what celebration?)


and she was there. i saw her. in the part that was a dream. standing by a make-shift bar in a living room that backed out into an alcove with a staircase. there was a folded magazine...and she grazed your bodice with it. and both turned to watch my reaction, but i really didn't care.

so i smiled and turned around to stare into the fish bowl...but the huge spiny caterpillar was being choked by the goldfish...

and i wanted to help, but couldn't reach in to the water. it struggled, but then got free and slithered out of the bowl.

and then the door opened. not a front door or even a back door...maybe a side door.

then you there, but now in my lap, and i was pulling the afghan across you just in time for emer to walk through and just say hi.

shamed the grazer, and went up the staircase. to the outside that was not outside at all. on the way, i sprung the freedom bell.

they scurried you all out, but did not see us.

i was prepared for more talk. but there was very little of it, save the one security guard who ended up walking away.

and then we were back, silver quick. on the sofa and it was dark. you said far too much in syllables.

some days.

some nights and some mornings. take your life-breath-force away. and some others give it back to you duo-fold.

an old song plays in my head.

i woke up thinking...strange thoughts.

and we shocked and surprised no one.

except maybe me, when i woke up to discover it wasn't all quite a dream.

and no...i can't explain that at all.

did you know venus is passing between the earth and the sun for the first time in 122 years? that is what my spam told me.

time for busy work until part 2 of 5ive days to midnight.

damn, i am sleepy.

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005