acknowledge it
2004-08-06 ~ 12:01 a.m.

today as i was swinging, my therapist told me what PT really stands for. she said it stands for "pain and torture". i laughed. it was funny. still is funny. but the old adage..."no pain, no gain" is true. the motto of piercing parlors across the world..."pain makes you beautiful" also true.

in thinking over recent events, i have reached some conclusions. here they are.

actions always speak louder than words.

i appreciate the words, but they end up meaningless when you lack compassion, thoughtfulness and a spine.

i don't expect you to understand. i am not going to help you try.

i want no part of it.

it feels good to make smart choices. i wish that for you.

*empties penny bank into fountain*

these are happy thoughts, these strange thoughts in my head. but not at all like you might think. nay, not even like i would have and did think. and those are good wishes. and don't take this personally. you is applied in multiple ways here. this thing is done. except i still have three days of pictures left.

acknowledge the picture.

have a great day.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005