what agenda?
2004-11-07 ~ 1:03 a.m.


"I was the project manager for the most radical IVR change we had ever planned, for the highest paying contract in the building. I was designing the call flow process. The additional project of incorporating and utilizing the co-operative education program was proving a success. I had consistently managed teams ranging in size from 40-100 agents, and 2-4 teams leads. I served as the liaison or single point of contact to Quality, HR, Training and the affiliate. ..."



and the record really did skip...

now i want to maybe rewind time and work with wood some more...because i like wood. i know i don't want to sell cell phones, or have anything to do with selling or contracts.

funny... i got a compliment last week. someone said that i had many talents... and my first thought was "too bad they are in me". heh. yeah, yeah.

really quick, i need to make note of how stupid we become around girls. straight or gay - fem girls, girly girls. just girls. just utterly stupid. and it is very amusing and worth seeing on a big screen i think, though inevitably plans will become very dirty and not quite like i had ... or perhaps more rushed and greasy diner with the lingering smoke thick. okay, yes. that is just fine. which all reminds me of destiny and quantum physics and civil war. and no matter... for i will be amazed. there's some magic right there, and it's pretty much a guarantee.

now i need to make note of hugs.
hugs mean a lot around here. there is a code. we'll write a book one day. we've been talking about it long enough. anyway, hugging makes for great interpretation. and if done correctly is a very important aspect of any relationship.

i know some really good huggers. we've trained some additional huggers over the years.

this week, for about thirty really funny seconds, i forgot everything i know and became stupid. and i am sorry about that. only because i do love hugs did i even attempt a recovery of that one. and i am glad i did, for that was a really great and unexpected hug.

there's a badge for that.

which makes me think of sock monkeys and other times. heh.

i have a theory about the drawing, i think it is a timely reaction. i think it is related to my newly found and very small ability to visualize and conceptualize comic boards in my mind. something i have always found frustratingly difficult to do in the past. so now i have been working on aspects of manga characters i had not considered before.

i could be wrong. this could be just a completion or cycle thing.


so i have candles to light. i need to get on the ball and then drag my ever-questioning self to bed. this week is knocking on the door, catching me in my boxers, already.

there is no way you are ever going to be ready for what life is about to do.

...but you can sure try all you like.


hug yourself and think happy thoughts.

cheers to free radicals tonight*

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005