fire is a theme
2004-12-23 ~ 5:01 a.m.

more like a bad dream than anything else.

i burned candles all night.

it is hard to believe.

it breaks my heart every single time and there is so much i'd like to tell you...

i've been cleaning and smoking and looking for a very specific sticker...

no luck.

it's cold. really cold.

reminds me of other times when it was cold...

Canada for sure, DC every time... the great Ice Storm and Snow Storm of the last few years here.

"We're trapped here like rats!" ~ thank you terri

The fire is out...I am out...speaking of fires...!!

hester called and left a crazy message which prompted an immediate call back after s-i-t... there was a fire. burned up the pasture... coastal and back she said. they saved the barn and the two trucks.
it is easy to picture the scene.... retseh in the middle of a large pasture fire with a saddle blanket and one arm in a cast. she and her dad and the boys and sister pretty much took care of it and eventually the fire department made it... seems there was two fires at once. of all the times?

i am hoping to not dream today.

and wake up in time to get the visiting d-o-g. without rooster hair.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005