random mess of words
2004-12-29 ~ 12:52 a.m.

tori is singing in the background...

I am absolutely in my head today. Have been, all day.

Just finished my first web project for KM. She caught the 2 minute window before I realized the spacing was off on one page by just a smidge....how funny. It was all fixed before she could refresh, but I laughed out loud when I got that email.

I was thinking earlier about how things really are. When you get beyond the present, standing just on the edge of tomorrow with yesterday behind you...

it is just never as bad as it seems. and we have no problems. none.


Harvey agrees, as does strange man who I think is a neighbor I have met before.

I wish I knew where, in India, Sec'bar is. I wish I had something a little more current to go on. I will go back to the maps soon.


Found a sweet little dog running by herself along the sidewalk. Via her rabies tag, her owner came and picked her up. Wanted to keep her longer so Jen could see. But she was a happy dog when she saw her mom. Ran in big circles and played in leaves.


retseh is free of the cast! grateful to be in the splint.


I can't stop my mind at all today. I am all over the place.

...and I don't want to put any of it here. or any place at all.

Some days I am just ...

wow, how many times did i use "all" there? heh.

Think globally. Those are not my words.

Watched a movie with retseh tonight. Was no grand production, but the acting was sound and the story was incredible. Based on factual events... he was a slave, a west point cadet, a law student and a school principal. So much hate... I can't fathom. But I know racism. I can recall the racial problems back home before I moved to the city...before I came out of the closet....before I had any idea about the rest of the world. I think what we saw is the remnant of another generation, another age. One not so far removed...but it is getting there.

Two generations away....for acclimation and diversity, for everything really...it seems...

then we have ... 40 years for agriscultural era, 40 for industrial, 20 for technology...

Acceleration? Nah. I think evolution. But I am crazy like that.

I am totally loving parts of my mind. Makes me want to pull out Gibson and start reading.

the other parts, not so much. give and take, i suppose.

Sometimes, at night, I can hear my neighbor's cell phone I think. Not so happy with that. Just seems strange. I wonder what they did with the concrete room.

Had to do the trapeze in s.i.t. today.

Can't believe how scattered I seem, so I'm taking off for entertainment.



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content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005