before the 'slant of sun'
2005-07-19 ~ 8:32 p.m.

shit...i am tired. got unwanted overtime today. enjoyed being in the classroom so much. never would have expected that...but it is true. i loved it, except that overtime part. it was so nice and had some structure. ah well, take it where i can get it these days.

i have to wake up for work at 5am tomorrow.

that is going to be ...soon.

play with and feed dogs, eat something and then sleep. all there is time for tonight.

in other news...

really enjoyed my pictures.

watched movies with retseh late over the weekend. was good. liked the institution ending. we'll watch white noise next.

time to go...
maybe tomorrow will be great.

...only hurts to hope sometimes. heh.



...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005