daylight spent the night
2005-09-18 ~ 10:38 p.m.

one side of one leg is really really red. that's nice.

so it was great to see you and the surroundings were totally festive. lots of rainbows.

if i missed you... which i did, hope you enjoyed it.


i wanted to be back here. to hell with the laundy and the errands. a second shower and my dogs and the house is completely silent.

i'm struggling with some things and one of those things is that i can't grasp some pieces of my own truth. not that i don't know them. not that i can't name them. but that i can't grasp them. noun or verb, the problem is the same.

haha... once i thought i had solutions. and they worked. sort of.

this is not a new struggle. this is something i clearly need to fucking keep working on.


other than being way too in my head and having a half-red leg, i am fine.

but yeah ...
"it's not easy tonight..."


...previously... ~

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