happy birthday
2005-11-20 ~ 9:09 p.m.

Happy 30th Birthday to my best friend ever... Retseh!

Also... Happy Mexican Revolution Day.

Also... that was a great fucking time!

and the pictures, voicemails and phone calls all say the same thing...

well, they generally all say the same thing. kind of like..."heyyy... we are having a great time... heyyy mother fucker... where the fuck are you???"

then I got a hug and that was cool. small steps are fine with me.

then later... well later there was some passing out.

now i want to know how the date was. and i want to get everything set up for the move.

tomorrow i will want to sleep in...ah, because i wish i could. while my boundaries are being fixed. ha!

things are good, really good. i hope you are having a great day!

as always, be kind to strangers.


...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005