2002-07-07 ~ 4:45 p.m.

so i am here, listening to slow ride and pulling drags off my pipe. i really want to do some more decorating...but i also need to mow...and currently i am writing in this thing about what can be called nothing else but procrastination.

i was supposed to go get red converse today...just because i suddenly want them.

and on top of it all...

yes, i would like to be on top of it all. the view is nice from there.

wow....and now free ride is playing...

kick ass. i need another toke.

and i wrote you an email...full of nonsequitor's. how the hell is that spelled? but somewhere down at the bottom or up near the top it should make some sense.

i am upset that no one loves new guestbook has gotten no love, and is feeling naked.

how does it go? "we are born naked, wet and hungry...then things just get worse" ?

But I am still smiling today!!! Whoaaaa

Yes, me...smiling. Even with the new tongue piercing, which Terri says I am a tad too old for. It is the whole eggs are dying thing. and the big 30 is looming much closer....ayyyy!

okay, i can take a hint....i am making myself laugh, which probably means that no one else is i shall sit down now.

hehehe, yeah sure are cute.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005