Re-learning the Alphabet
2002-07-07 ~ 6:35 p.m. no, this isn't the knotwork i wanted. this is much too simple, but it will have to do...because everytime i see them i think of 8's and 8's are suddenly quite important to me again.

so until i get over my fascination with 8's...simple will have to do.

i am working on my tattoo though...which is not quite as simple, but i fear that even it will be simple.

why can't i be simple?

what the hell kind of a word is simple??? no wonder i don't want to be simple...listen to the word.

hehe i have smoked way too much, and i am drinking coke...i am so going to hell. hahaha

Ohhhh...before i go download more stuff, an update on the speech impediment. (vowels included this time)

For any strangers lurking, i got my tongue pierced and am tracking my progress in relearning the alphabet.

A - sounds like a sheep being strangled

B - no problem

C - !!! I can't even say my own name!

D - sort of

E - no problem

F - no problem

G - sort of sounds like i am underwater

H - ummm...HELP! my tongue doesn't do that anymore

I - dammitt...i can't tell if the tongue ring or the fact that i am from the woods and add extra syllables to everything is screwing this one up

J - no problem

K - nope, same as hard C and neither are working

L - LL - i must have always had problems with this one

M - i sound way too barbie-ish

N - no problem

O - no problem-o

P - comes out as pfft, and i am afraid i might have just spit

Q - queer? why yes i am

okay, so what comes after Q? this and the times tables....damn!

R - As if! but i can make an "errr" sound, and that is marked improvement

S - yeah, it sounds like i think it should

T - metal hits roof of mouth and not try. well, a lesson learned

U - uhhhhh....yep, seems to be working

V - verve..vixen...violet me...v, got it

W - wet, ouch! no...that was the T, i got the W part

X - x-men, no problem

Y -

Z - i paint the stripes on zebras, yes i do

okay, so a piece of my "learning" is stored for all to see...

i have way too much time on my hands...


...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005