big grin
2002-07-07 ~ 12:04 a.m.

see the great big grin?


you just called and i got to hear your voice...and suddenly i am even better than good.

sorry i was lisping and echoing and possibly babbling like an idiot.

...."goddam right, it's a beautiful day"....

i am making slow changes to this thing....all good things come to those who wait. wait...i really don't like that phrase. that is kinda like 'the early bird gets the worm'....where i am from, the early bird is just the first to get shot. c'mon

anyway, dig it....there's a guestbook thing, and some other shit....and i am working on my background. that will take some time, i wanna make the right knot for it.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005