merel haggard and interruptions
2002-07-12 ~ 7:35 p.m.

wow, whatta day and another day?

i am unbelievably happy to have mel back. seperation anxiety? not exactly. too simple, and we all know about me being simple. much to say. i push the envelope, yes i do. i make structural changes, yes i do.

and i sense that i have done things, albeit, for the best...that were 'not properly communicated with the house'.

if you feel lost at this point, come sit beside me. haha

no, really....the 'house' which i will probably write about a me. the house is me, i am the house. sort of. that is the idea.

fucking rock on....merle haggard is singing.

DAMN! i have to go....i am having interruptions, which is part of what i need to write about...but this is one of those times, so i must go...but i will be back in no time to actually write something worth reading...i hate interruptions, but i love merle haggard. hehe, i am nuts.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005