four plus two
2002-09-05 ~ 6:26 p.m.

"yes, yeah, sure, of course, no problem, i will take care of it, no worries, it is no big deal, i am on it, i have it under control..."


"fuck off, leave me the hell alone, go away, don't ask me for a damn thing, don't give me one more piece of your worthless advice, don't expect that things will just be okay, don't treat me like this, why not just let me crawl off in to the woods and die like a sick dog..."

some pictures are always clear...even when your vision is clouded.

also, four little blue pills plus two more still does not equal sleep.

go figure.

i want my vision to be a little more clouded i think.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005