my backyard there
2002-09-05 ~ 10:01 p.m.

"it's not having what you's wanting what you've got"

lame ass music...but that part is true.


well...apparently i am loved only by matt.

because no one else has commented on my piercing...christ people, i even put a picture of my face on this thing. albeit, without eyes...but still. where is the fucking guestbook love??

in other news, i feel like shit. like i am getting sick or something. yeah, maybe sick of myself. well, not really. i am having trouble breathing again, and i feel weak. i hate that.

in more news, check out the backyard at my old very fucking jealous. 'scuse the blurring, i had to remove myself from the picture.

that is all...

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005