feed fred...
2002-10-20 ~ 2:10 a.m.

there is not much else in the world like starting...again, fucking two weeks early this time. fuck.

okay...the update you have been waiting for...

the mouse and snake were absent today...*shock and dismay* but will return for regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.

i am listening to stevie nicks still...

saw the bubble heads at sue's...asking me about ash. whatever.

enough beer makes everything fuzzy enough to not give a shit.

margaret and i had a challenge apparently....i guess i won? yeah.

well, if you know me at all you know i am in much pain at the moment...time to dope it up and seek sleep.

i thought about writing more...decided against it.

i hope that she finally made it home...and sleeps well.

and i hope all kinds of other things...

and i am swimming in a nice little cocktail...i need to feed fred.

good night

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005