motherfucking new years
2003-01-02 ~ 12:50 a.m.

mouse and i picked the comrade up from the airport...yay! is nice to have her back.

did i mention that it was a hard new year's?

ahhh....but..."you shook it off with a smirk and a toss...and you were only"

i made five typos in two words...

so here are three words for you...

carla is drunk.

happy motherfucking new year!

"right now...i really don't care. if i'm alone or if i've got you sitting there...i feel fine. doesn;t really matter now cause i'm alright...knock me on my ass again."

today was a damn good day...even if it felt like sunday all day.

even if i didn't get any chicken...or black eyed peas...or cabbage...i am so fucked.

but i've got the ways and means...

concrete blonde will be accompanying me tonight...

"there's a crack in the mirror and a bloodstain on the bed..."

today as i was speeding up 35 north, listening to "walking away"...a little craig david...i thought for the first time of leaving. i thought of truly starting over...and then i prayed that my foundation is not cracked.

didn't tell anyone about the thought...just kept it to myself, until i just shared it with all of you.

but it is just that...a thought. knowing that i could find it myself to do it all again....yep. found it.

have a good night. i was going to code debbie...but alas, i am too drunk...

*smile* dual birdies with my freakishly long fingers.

*sticking tongue out*

i might sleep on the seems closer than my bed.

want a sneak peek at debbie?? hehehe

try clicking here...Debbie's Intro Gallery...just a little taste.

no, they are not finished...i am working on it. enjoy!

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005