last night and today
2003-01-17 ~ 2:41 p.m.

last night, i wrote this in notepad because it was too far to walk to actually make the update...

i love conversation.

i remember the night we sat in the truck down on channel tap and got stoned...listening to 'natural blues' over and over again.

hester told me the other day that richie asked her what was up...but hester looked at him in utter shock and said..."what?!" in the 'are you crazy out of your mind for asking such a thing' way.

retseh, you amaze me as a friend.

and you, wild altered my memories of skid row forever. it was good to see you.

and you, wanton sex goddess...i will talk you home anytime.

and you panty phantom....why have you abandoned us??



i feel completely disconnected today...

someone keeps tossing memory-confetti like a dinner salad in my brain...

and i have things to do...and i can't fathom doing anything right now.

i was staring through things into other times earlier...

and now i am wondering what else i might have believed before i knew.

and i have homework...i really thought i was through with homeowrk when i quit college the second time.

and i wonder and i wonder...and the drops of blood just keep falling.

i am all over the place...

if you see, grab me and hold me still.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005