where did sleep go?
2003-01-21 ~ 5:24 a.m.

medicated without meaning...

and i falter in here to this place,

this place of seeming anonymity.

to tell you things. yes, you.

so many you's...so much weakness in me.

there was a time when things were more complicated...when things were more simple. there is always a time that was...

but what of this time?

i was told i give too much...once upon a time. and the words ring in my head and strike nothing...

throbbing headache...and why can't i get it? why can't you get it?

self deprication is an art form...don't doubt me even when desparaging myself seems to be what i am best at.

wow...i just backspaced many paragraphs...all starting with "to you..."

they were just paragraphs of things heard many times...and some things never said or heard at all.

pay me no mind...i am increasingly distracted though i chastise myself the entire way.

my fingers feel poised to fly and yet i am keeping them in check. you are not ready for what would come...

urge overkill and cracker for fighting for playlist occupancy...and i am wishing for sleep.

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005