secret decoder
2003-01-22 ~ 12:14 a.m.

if i stand here long enough, throwing things in the air...

something is going to hit you eventually.


tonight was an easy laid back kind of night, save the revolving door and the phone...and the overall zoo. was fun.

got to visit with mel and ryan and emergency as well. (two percent's new nickname)

i have had intentions of geting things done...doing things. it is good to have intentions.

i got a 'secret decoder' out of the cracker jacks...that is pretty fucking cool.

i am surfing a turbulent crimson tidal wave trying to dodge the jagged rocks of self realization and i am laughing...

there is nothing wrong with this picture...except i should probably take my boots off.

i am just a stray...

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005