there she goes again....
2003-01-27 ~ 3:35 a.m.

in between sneezing and blowing my nose...i found my glasses. under and behind... and how the fuck did they get there?

have i found the damn eyebrow ring? no. what did i do with it?

i have this clever and annoying little habit of "putting things up in a 'safe' place"...

and never finding them again.


i am going to go look in the truck.

and if i find it and i am still standing, i am going to change it.

sudafed, anyone?

shit, i need to go to bed. i have to do stuff...

tomorrow...err, today...motherfucker.

groan-up things to do:

pay bills...get money from little karla

refill prescription...ummm, yeah

dry cleaners...suits might be important

clean...or somehow hide everything

and all the other stuff i'm forgetting.

'groan-up', indeed.

on higher notes, i am thankful for covers...tori is crying out loud about blue skies...and carole is about to be strummed softly.

much love*

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005