when there is nothing to say
2003-05-04 ~ 2:35 a.m.

somewhere between cramps and a headache...i wonder briefly how many drugs i have taken and how my liver is...then dismiss that thought as acceptable loss.

that pretty much sums up the last two days.

everything is abrasive.

the fog is thick.

i am listening to a lot of sister hazel...and i can't help but wish they would do some more drugs and get a more black crowes edge going on...it would work well for them.

i need to something creative. think of something creative for me today.

i just can't think for myself...

good song.

sister hazel again...i think the only reason i really like this album is because they start with this happy annoying fucking song about being happy being as easy changing your mind and then they end with this...

"it's bitter...tastes a lot like winter...

and will it release me...so heavy...

how much more to bring down the levy...

and kill me..."

i appreciate that.

i want to go to the bookstore. i have no books i have not read and re-read...in triplicate. i cannot go to the bookstore. damn, foiled again.

you guys have been kinda quiet recently...what is going on?

talk to me, motherfuckers.

and this...this other thing. i am taking it elsewhere.

what are you doing this weekend?

will you be seeing x-men?

take care out there...something funny is in the air tonight.

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005