tree vs fence related
2003-05-20 ~ 12:05 a.m.

this is the coolest shirt ever...with its blue snaps.

i got the posts and sealed the tree with the tar-like stuff. i am still afraid we are going to lose this tree...albeit, in large pieces.

bob says it is common. i say i will research.

tomorrow i will rebuild the fence. i will also brace the entire back portion if i can.

still recovering from saturday night.

had dinner with mouse. came home and watched some television with emer and the chaplain.

then i listened to the last five minutes of the game. damn good five minutes.

oh! and we need to pay the bills. they really like to send me termination notices. remind me to meet with the bank of jennifer and arrange this.

that is all i've got.

rather...that is all you're getting.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005