word of the day
2003-08-14 ~ 4:24 a.m.

needless to say i was saddened by the dr. phil show.

to look at only one aspect of a person's life and attempting to give advice is terrible at best. not that i ever actually put any stock in those shows, but there is never a more obvious example than one you know.

i am not going to feel sorry for the 'poor little girl who just needs her mommy's attention back' when that poor little girl has three kids of her own she is not raising.


dr. phil. why are you being a band-aid?

where is the integrity? is there any such thing?


watched punchdrunnk love tonight.

visually interesting with screechingly edible sound edits.

love as liberation. ?

i will get back to you when i figure that one out.

good night all.

...previously... ~ ...next...

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