bright outside
2004-07-10 ~ 3:50 p.m.

i just listened to my messages from yesterday.

i think i should have done that earlier.

someone is in the hospital.

i am not sure how this day is going to end up being, i am in a strange place. woke up strangely. to angie coming in to visit and...

wow...i just backspaced a lot of stuff. but there is stuff to do.

and i have to mow.

how about a rousing game of "pin the tail on the dumbass"?

but you know, it is cool. i will work on keeping myself centered and focused and something else that sounds meditating for a long time.

i will just flow with it all.

right over niagra falls.

i get it. i really do.

just couldn't help myself there.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005