sparkly red shoes
2005-03-09 ~ 12:04 a.m.

there is no spoon...there is no spoon...

so where do you go when you click your heels three times??


been fighting this infection, been sickly. right side still all jacked up.


with so much in my mind it is a wonder it has not exploded.


i won't shove romans down anyone's throat...but i personally believe that all things do happen for a reason.

i just differ on the reason becaue there is no spoon.

go ahead, click your heels and see where you end up.

i still know what "home" means to me.


it's been four years. i keep saying that. i did not want to keep breathing this long i must confess, but i suppose some things truly are involuntary. my being aches.
...and it never ends.


"i'm going to dizz-knee-land"

good night moon.


...previously... ~

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