in the wind
2005-07-26 ~ 9:31 p.m.

funny, had a moment at work today where it seemed i had been living in a vacuum... a place where you could be content and complacent in your work for years with no fear of job loss or major life events and not have a clue what's going on outside your cube. that was how it looked to me on the outside and it was weird and claustrophobic. seeing someone take it for granted.
then again...they too are just working to work.

so i guess i figured out what was in the wind. since it is catchy. like a decade-long stomach flu, heh.

stagnant is the word i think. makes me think in polarities...either embrace it or reject it.

all i jotted down on the napkin was qol not equal to sol. not the same, neither weight, measure nor definition.

only in perception, like so many things.

all hail capitalism and your near-sighted, satellite-enhanced 'global vision'.

...also got to see the shuttle launch while at work.

now up too late as usual, time for bed.


...previously... ~

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