the phone rang
2002-09-12 ~ 1:21 p.m.

at 12:45 my phone rings...

pulling me from nice fuzzy drug-induced field of sorrow and dreams.

it was blondie. she needed something, of course. her sullen, sarcastic voice was really just what was needed today. she can't be around as a friend when i need friends...but damn, let her think that i didn't make a payment on time and she comes swooping down. so it didn't stop there, that would have been too easy. "did you go home alone?" no. "silence" *smirk* "i guess that explains why mel didn't call me back"...*manical laughter*

where is my sensitive side? she is sick, has mono and is falling behind on her bills. oh wait...i remember. i have been in that boat for a year, i am just so sorry the karma came back around and bit you in the ass...really. welcome to a place where things aren't always so easy...the real world.

so now it is 1:30. i got a grand total of 4 hours of sleep and i have no idea how to get back to sleep. but i am going to try...really hard.

cause i have plans tonight...well, not really plans exactly...but i will. and the next time my phone rings i am really hoping for a different voice, a voice that makes me smile.

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005