my parental units
2002-12-18 ~ 2:16 p.m.

my calm anger is perfectly justified.

the raging anger that ends with "shrink, i wanna kill!" is not good.

i am thinking positively.

about my father. about my mother.

about the drinking and the denial and the dysfunction.

i get really angry with myself at times like this. i know it is my fault. i got sick and fucked stuff up for the entire year. i made my mom feel guilty and helpless and worried all the time...

when i always said i would never say. never tell her any of it. she didn't need to know, if she didn't know it couldn't hurt her...

and then i end up dropping a bomb of nuclear proportions on her...because i lost it completely...

and my poor clueless dad...eyes clouded with a lifetime of alcohol...i wonder why he is so angry. i wonder if anyone ever asks him without getting whiplash in the process.

and you know...on the scale, i have some great parents.

i have things to bake...for the birthday comrade.


...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005