that was fun
2002-12-18 ~ 12:37 a.m.

this evening was soothing, not bitchiness...

granted i cried on the phone with terri...

and vented and thought bad thoughts...

and struggled to find the things i am thankful for...

and yet it really wasn't a struggle at all.

i am thankful for my friends, for those people i am blessed to have...people who truly care...

and my family...dysfunctional and 'one arm havin' though they may be...

and legs.

and the animals, of course.

so despite the lack of food and running water *i am just kidding*...

i have a lot to be thankful for. and then there are individual thanks to be given and suddenly i am writing a speech after winning the nobel prize for establishing the potential for a possible solution to the probable issue of global warming...

or slightly more likely, just writing about it in here...

jo came by for a visit tonight, that was nice. i was mostly soothed over and calm and we visited and ate and watched "i love the 80's" and laughed a lot...

and then we watched six degrees of seperation...and i still say it is a fucked up movie, with a terrible portrayal of homosexuality and the ending was weak...and i still love the part where she talks about anecdotes, and how her life is a collage of random anecdotes...

familiar, stubborn...yes, i know...

*smiling and shaking head*

oh, for fuck's sake...

....aha! shoelaces! i cannot forget.

just watch... i will get the laces and forget about calling her...and practice...this is why i have a palm pilot that i never use anymore...

and i never really thought i would be using it to remind myself of group sporting events in which i might be a participant.

strange...*like my invisible segways?*

tonight will be the birthday celebration for comrade...she doesn't like surprises, which is okay because i can't keep them a secret...

i even talk in my sleep...and speaking of sleep....sheets....laundry....


charging the batteries...(to the video camera, you perverts...)

...the dishes...

for fucks sake...i have a lot to do...i have to go!

...previously... ~

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005