2003-01-30 ~ 2:29 a.m.

motherfucker....cut me off.

cut me off....and i still know that tonight will unveil itself...

and in the morning i will be here...and so be it.

... under skinned kmees and skid marks...[ast the plkaces nwhere yoy l8istenbed t0o learn...

cause hester came out tonight...the best friend i will ever have...still loves me. and that makes everything okay.

he is everythging you want. he is evererything you need...he is everythinsnide of you that you wish you could be.. but he means nothing to you and you don't know why...



no....don't say a fucking word.

just let it go.

so...aside from hester and karen....what did you have to say? right...


and i am sorry...

for cutting myself in to sheds when no one is losing...


and that is it...

just like that.

i wrote more songs i two weeks than you have played in three weeks...


it was beyond obvuous that i had a crush on holly's friend...

"fuck it up, fuck it up, fuck it up....I fall on the floor and i'm laughing..."

jo was right...so someone hug me.

*drum....guitar solo*

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005