ever-changing plans
2003-05-08 ~ 2:27 a.m.

talked to comrade briefly. i have gotten together a petition for debbie's benefit. afterall, she is missing a piece of her head. and...if comrade's toe has to be taken off...i have the hatchet.

along that line...except not really at all...the freak storm in one part of denton blew down the fence of a mouse. i was going to go help derek...but plans changed and changed again.

and so tomorrow...or rather, today...the chaplain is going to odessa. there is much that needs to be done, but it will all turn itself right side in eventually. and as long as we take small bites we won't choke.

and i meant what i said...things aren't falling through the cracks...no, they are just falling in to place.

has to be.

i have been thinking lately...despite all warnings from the government encouraging me to not think...

and while the gears are spinning...the hamster wheel is empty and so i am going to bed.

have a good night...and don't go to bed with your hair wet.

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005