spoon worship as idolatry
2003-10-28 ~ 11:02 a.m.

so i ate frooooty pebbles.

put the milk in the cupboard and the cereal in the fridge and that is always a good sign...looking for a spoon...knowing there is no spoon...

remembering when i was sick and how the plastic spoons seemed a luxury item...

them remembering the plastic spoon that melted in the spaghetti the first time i tried to cook after i moved from fort worth...

when i was a kid i tried for a really long time to bend spoons with my mind...

spoons. somehow...spoons are the answer.

i just know it.


i like that. that works for me.

oh...and don't be overly dramatic. i do a fine enough job on my own in this little space. see...you don't really ever know what all is in my mind and my heart...unless you are god...(in which case...why do you have to read this??)...


so, while i seemed to be bleeding profusely last night...let's not jump too quickly to conclusions.

the first little paragraph was mine...i will claim that, it is my rant. completely unrelated and segregated from everything else. all by itself.

but i claim creative license on the rest. just a perception of a perspective of a faded photograph and a look of longing in the direction of dreams...of higher purpose.

because i don't care what the circumstances are...moving is a really big deal, and that is what the girl is doing. in a mess of strangers to boot.

that is the real slant.

i don't often explain myself...

but today is a special day.

oh...and you got all of this because there are no clean spoons.

now get out there and have a damn good day.

...previously... ~ ...next...

content � tigereyedvamp 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005